Online-Veranstaltungsreihe „Inside“

Inside South Africa: Business Opportunities in the Water Sector

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Inside South Africa: Business Opportunities in the Water Sector

November 27, 2023, 10:00 to 11:00 CET/ 11.00 to 12.00 SAST

South Africa increasingly faces water scarcity as demand escalates due to human population growth, rapid urbanisation and continued unsustainable use. Every province in South Africa has felt the threat of, or experienced being without water. Infrastructure deficits are enormous and together with the energy crisis threaten water and sanitation provision for its population and economic activities.

Challenges, however, also represent market opportunities in the sector! The government must avoid a collapse of the water supply and sanitation provision, not only to meet humanitarian needs but also to keep the economy growing. The South African government is taking action through developing and implementing national strategies for the expansion of infrastructure, by reforming the administration of water supply infrastructure and the regulatory framework for procurement of technologies and services. In the meantime, the diverse and established commercial and industrial water users are investing in ways to reduce their reliance on municipal water supplies for their operations by increasing their water use efficiency. These include water saving devices, intelligent water metering, intelligent asset management, process optimisation and effluent reuse.

Are you interested to learn more about market opportunities in South Africa’s water sector? Join us for our online event where Vera Massie, the Water Portfolio Manager at the Competence Centre Climate and Environment at the Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, will discuss the current drivers of the water market in South Africa.

Guest speakers will also be sharing their challenges and successes in operating as technology and service providers in the South African water market.


Welcome by Mr. Günther Schmid, Head of Division Foreign Trade in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism of the State of Baden-Württemberg (5min)

Introducing the Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SAGCC) (5min)   

Business Opportunities in the South African Water Sector, Vera Massie, Water Portfolio Manager, Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SAGCC) (20min)

Water Sector company testimonial – TBC (10 min)

Q&A Session (15 min).


Veranstaltungsreihe "Inside"

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